Lying in low light, this Fungia coral still shines to my attention. It has a dome shape, with a trench in the middle. It is the mushroom under the sea, that distinguishes itself from its in-land peers by eliminating all parts of its body but the cap. It is also superior in its enormity, that would carry an entire basketball. It is as thick as a waffle. The thickness holds thousands of layers of vertically parallel, milky dusty white materials boasting serrated edges. Look at it from the top down, beauty galore: layers of the coral spark associations of soft vintage laces, but uneven laces, hence giving off a charm, that is delicate, yet still wild, unrestricted. Look at it from the bottom up, a whole new perspective of imagination opens up. Currents of sea-spirit liquids stream from a center, down into all directions, creating an ether in which perceptions of the sea and the soil, all mingle.

fungia coral